Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Organization of conferences and editorial boards

  Editorial board member of Computer Graphics Forum, Marie-Paule Cani.

  SGP 2011, Paper Chair, Stefanie Hahmann.

  SBIM 2011, Symposium Chair, Jean-Claude Léon.

  MIG 2011, Program Committee, Rémi Ronfard.

  EG 2011, Program Committee, Marie-Paule Cani.

  SBIM 2011, Program Committee, Marie-Paule Cani.

  Dagstuhl Seminar on Geometric Modeling 2011, Co-organizer Stefanie Hahmann.

  SIAM Geometric Design / SPM 2011, Paper co-chair, Stefanie Hahmann.

  SPM 2012, Paper co-chair, Stefanie Hahmann.

  SIAM Mathematics for Industry 2012, organization committee, Stefanie Hahmann.

  Eurographics 2011, IPC, Stefanie Hahamann.

  SMI 2012, Program Commitee, Stefanie Hahmann.

  Journal CAD (Elsevier), special Issue of SPM 2011, co-editor Stefanie Hahmann [[29] ].

  Journal Graphical Models (Elsevier), special Issue on Geometric Modeling, co-editor Stefanie Hahmann.

Management and administration of scientific organisations

  Director at Large within the ACM SIGGRAPH executive committee, Marie-Paule Cani, 2008-2011.

  Marie-Paule Cani has joined the ACM Publication board in september 2011, where she represents the Computer Graphics domain.

  Vice president of AFIG (Association Française d'Informatique Graphique) in charge of international issues, Marie-Paule Cani, 2008-2011.

  President of GTMG (Groupe de Travail en Modelisation Géometrique) part of GDR IM and GDR IG, Stefanie Hahmann.

  Member of the Conseil du Laboratoire at LJK, Francois Faure, Stefanie Hahmann, Rémi Ronfard.

  Director of the Géométrie et Image department at LJK, Rémi Ronfard.

  Vice chair of SIAM activity group Geometric Design, Stefanie Hahmann.

  Responsible of Maths-Info Department of the Grenoble doctoral school MSTII, Stefanie Hahmann.

Public dissemination

  • We presented Aestem Studio and Hand Navigator to Experimenta, Salon de la Biennale Arts et Sciences, organized by CEA-LETI and Theatre de l'Hexagone in Grenoble (10/2011). Adrien Bernhardt, Marie-Paule Cani, Jean-Claude Léon, Maxime Quiblier, Rémi Ronfard. http://www.rencontres-i.eu/2011/salon-experimenta/

  • Exposing Hand Navigator at "Fête de la Science", cité la Vilette, Jean-Claude Léon, Maxime Quiblier.

  • Publication in "Le journal du CNRS", and radio annoucement (France Inter) of cloth animation results [1] .